5 Tips to Make Sure your Newsletter Gets Read!

by | Feb 4, 2020 | Blog

I like a good newsletter and, having produced far too many to count over the years,

I reckon I’ve an idea of what a good one should look like.

Here are 5 tips to improve your newsletters to ensure people actually read them:

1. It’s not a big, glossy advert. People don’t like advertising – fact. When the TV commercials come on they will channel hop or make a cuppa. People even pay not to see them on their apps! So it is important that your newsletter doesn’t appear to be one badly disguised advert for you and your services.
2. Give value. Provide something that people actually want to read. Make it useful by providing tips, answering reader’s questions, simplifying and summarising recent legislation. If people are getting something of value to them, then they are more likely to subscribe.
3. Good design. Having said that, you can have the best content in the world but people will be put off by an amateurish design. If it looks cheap it reflects badly on you so invest in the best design you can.
4. Ask readers to share. Don’t forget people are busy and, even if they think your newsletter is the best they have ever seen, it won’t necessarily occur to them to share it. So give them a nudge. “If you have enjoyed reading this newsletter please, share it with your friends and colleagues.”
5. Get subscribers. Ideally you want everyone who reads a copy of your newsletter to become a subscriber. If a friend has forwarded it to you, you want to make sure you get future issues rather than having to rely on him to send the next one to you. Time for another subtle reminder. “If you have had this newsletter forwarded to you and would like to subscribe for future issues, please click here.” Simple but effective.

So there you have it, 5 straightforward tips for getting your newsletter right. However, if you would like to have it professionally designed and printed for you, I know a man who has a team that can help.

Give me a call on 01452 534860 and we’ll get started on your design right away.