Customer Testimonial

Dynamic look after everything on my website and also help with my adverts and more. I am really pleased with their service and the whole team are very helpful and friendly. If I need anything I just get in touch and they sort it all for me. I would definitely recommend Dynamic to business.


Robert Mack
Director | Furniture Factory

Furniture Factory IPad Pro Render

Here’s what we did

The owner of Furniture Factory, Robert, contacted Dynamic because his previous website was no longer fit for purpose. Roberts main priority was ensuring all the sofas and other furniture were viewable on the new website.

Another aim for the site was to encourage people to visit the showroom. When creating the initial design concept for the website, our graphic designer took these objectives into consideration. Making sure it was both aesthetically stunning and the information was easily accessible.

When working with our copywriter, Robert explained the importance of highlighting that everything they sold was made in Britain (apart from the superior quality leather made in Italy).

Robert was very pleased with the new website and has continued working with Dynamic on promoting new product ranges, including mobility furniture.