Help Your Employees Grow!

by | Jul 30, 2019 | Blog

I talked last month about helping new employees settle into their post.

This time I am going to discuss how you can help your employees to grow and develop.

The way to do this is through training. There are many ways to do this but the overall strategy should be to give employees time, space and encouragement to learn. The benefits for you and your business can be great as employers have reported increased productivity and innovative strategies being proposed.

Continuous learning is an essential employee experience and should be integrated into their day to day work naturally wherever possible. It should not be seen as a perk but as a commitment to the workforce.

The average training for an employee in the UK is 20 to 25 hours a year. The Best Workplace recommends 35 hours.

There has been a rise in online and mobile eLearning in recent years. Such programmes utilise videos and even virtual reality.

It may be that your employees are more suited to a fully flexible, empowered approach, though, allowing them to construct their own development journeys, with the support of the organisation.

Whatever route you choose, remember that the learning experience will be different for each individual learner and ensure that training and development plans are customised and personalised accordingly.