Hiring New Staff During the Coronavirus Lockdown: The Interview Process. 

by | May 11, 2020 | Blog


During these tough times, unlike many other businesses that have sadly needed to furlough or make staff redundant, we have been fortunate enough to welcome a new member to our team! 


We recently hired a new copywriter to provide exciting and engaging copy for us and our clients.

Maxine is the latest addition to the Dynamic team, with years of marketing experience under her belt, we are all in capable hands.

However, hiring a new member of staff didn’t come without its challenges, with social distancing restrictions and self-isolation, a face to face interview was simply off the cards.

How do you prepare for a digital interview? 

We used the video conferencing app Zoom to help us in our search for a new copywriter, allowing us to successfully panel interview Maxine in what we are sure is going to be the strangest interview of her life.

We are sure that digital interviews will become a more common phenomenon in the future, so what are our tips and tricks to a successful interview in the comforts of your own home.


Tip 1: Software


Find a software that is free and easily accessible for you, members of your team and the candidate. Zoom is a great downloadable option, but google hangout provides easy access online without the need to download a programme.


Practice using the software before the interview, make sure you know how it works and have it installed on your computer. You can also practice with another family member to make sure that you can use the software effectively, removing any stress for that big interview!

Tip 2: Testing audio and visual components

This goes for both parties but testing the audio and visual components of your computer or laptop is vital. Making sure that you can be seen and heard is necessary for both the interviewer and interviewee.

You may opt to use a USB microphone or headphones to make it easier to hear and increase the sound quality of your video-call.


Tip 3: Your surroundings

Interviewing from home can be hard, especially as there are many added distractions. Ensuring privacy is vital when conducting an interview and that other household members do not disturb you.

Make sure you sit at an appropriate location; a dining room table or if you are fortunate enough to have an at-home office utilise this!

If you can sit near a window and embrace natural lighting, the video quality will be higher, less grainy and also mean your potential new boss or employee will be able to see you better.

In terms of housekeeping, ensure there is no clutter, paperwork or mess in the background or on your desk!

Tip 4: Dress to impress

Despite us all being a little too comfortable in pyjamas at the moment, when undergoing an interview, it is important to dress how you would if you were going in for a physical interview.

This shows that you are professional and presentable – even if at the moment it is only from the waist up!

Tip 5: Prepare

This goes without question, but you should prepare like you would for a regular interview. Do your research about the company across a variety of platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and their company website. Ensure you have examples to show you know your stuff and can show that you are the perfect candidate for that role.