Marketing Matters – What is it and Why do it?

by | Apr 7, 2020 | Blog

At Dynamic Sales Solutions, we know the value of marketing, not only for our business,

but for yours too! So, what marketing and why does it matter?

What is Marketing?

Marketing is a tool used by a variety of businesses to coordinate a coherent strategy to promote their business. Marketing can vary from posters to Facebook posts, whether it is print or digital form, marketing promotes and advertises your business to the public and potential customers.

Print marketing can be in a variety of formats including newsletters, leaflets, business cards and posters. It is great to advertise a local service such as construction work or location specific services such as driving lessons.

Over the past few years, digital marketing has become vital for businesses to be visible online.  At Dynamic Sales Solutions, we offer this to our customers through our implemented marketing service. Meaning we will do this all for you. We can build your social media presence, create, and manage your Google My Business pages and run your promotions and campaigns for you.

Find out more about our services here.

Another powerful method of marketing is through word-of-mouth, this can be generated from print and digital advertising. From “did you see that amazing thing *insert business* posted on Instagram today?* to * I saw a poster in my local shop for a construction company and know you were looking for one to  do X,Y and Z” it is a great way to utilise and integrate all three methods of marketing to work together, to increase the reach of your business.

Why should I start Marketing my business?

Whether it is through our implemented marketing solutions or you choose to do it yourself, there are so many good reasons to take the plunge and start actively marketing your business.

It is a form of communication

Marketing is about increasing sales and promoting a product or business. The reason marketing is so successful is because it is a form of communication. It allows you to interact and get to know your customers and vice versa.

It will increase your reach

By marketing on and offline, you will be able to reach more potential customers than ever before, allowing your business to grow locally and nationally through targeted campaigns.

It will build your reputation

Marketing allows you to develop, grow and maintain your reputation through interactions with potential and current customers.  It will allow you to build a relationship and create brand recognition within your geographic location and ideal audience demographic.

It provides insights about your business

Other than the reaction you see on your posts on social media, by reviewing the analytics you can change your strategy and evaluate the success of each post or campaign. Meaning you can develop a better understanding of what your customer wants and what content is a hit for your business.

If you are looking to grow your digital or offline presence through the use of marketing, why not have a look at the services we offer.