Mobile Searches Overtake those on Laptops and Desktops!

by | May 28, 2019 | Blog

I was very interested to read the results of a recent survey carried out by Flo Marketing.

For the first time website searches on mobile devices overtook combined searches on laptop and desktop computers.

During Q1 (Jan, Feb & March) in 2017 36% of searches were carried out on mobiles, rising to 41% in Q1 2018. The figures for Q1 2019 show a further rise to 50%.

There is a significant point that should be made about searches on mobiles, one that may be important for your own website.

There is a difference between mobile responsive websites and mobile optimised ones. A mobile responsive website will fit the website to the device it is being viewed on and automatically reformats the site regardless of screen size. This can lead to the site not being easily read or navigated.

A mobile optimised site is much more advanced and is in effect a separate version of the website specifically designed to be viewed on mobile devices. As such, it should give the site a better chance of converting browsers into enquiries.

If you would like more information on how your website could be creating more business, for you give me a call on 01452 534860.