Customer Testimonial

From the initial introduction and discussion we found the creating of the new website relatively pain free! The team were approachable and listened to our queries. There were a couple of issues and one of which took a great deal of head scratching but a solution was found and swiftly implemented.

We particularly liked the way in which you did a mock up of the website so we could clearly see in which direction it was going and it filled the brief. We have received not only enquiries but orders since the launch. It is good to know you are there if we have queries in the future.


Paul Dolman


Here’s what we did

Paul approached Dynamic as his website was failing, especially in the shop section.

The old website lacked personality and didn’t tell the Paul Dolman artistry story. One of Paul’s big issues with the old website was that he did not have access to do any amends.

Dynamic met with Paul and talked through how Paul wanted to be portrayed and created a website with a much more user friendly and informative view.

The shop was created and sectioned out into 3 easy to navigate categories.