Customer Testimonial

We’ve come to Dynamic as our website was very basic and outdated. It did not reflect SC & BS Cocks in the correct light we wished to. Dynamic came up with complete new branding and design for us which portrayed SC & BS Cocks in the friendly, welcoming and professional manner that we strive to achieve.
They kept us updated every step of the way and were always available at the end of the line to answer any of our questions. Due to the fact that they are a local company, we were able to have regular face to face meetings which kept the project moving smoothly. We are really pleased with the final outcome and would like to thank Dynamic for their help. We would definitely recommend them to anyone looking for web build and marketing services!

19 scaled    

Graham Cocks
Director | SC & BS Cocks


Here’s what we did

The owners of SC & BS Cocks approached us due to their previous website being extremely outdated. SC & BS Cocks are a funeral director in Gloucester who wanted their website to offer comfort, support and information for their clients even before they picked up the phone.

The existing branding was also outdated so our graphic designer got to work on designing a new logo and brand guidelines. Followed by producing the overall concept for the new website.

Our designer, copywriter and web developers worked closely with SC & BS Cocks to create a website that would demonstrate their compassion and expertise regarding funeral care.

SC & BS Cocks were incredibly happy with the outcome of their new website and currently have print and design works ongoing with Dynamic.