Customer Testimonial

What I like about the guys at Dynamic is their can-do attitude, nothing is too much trouble, they are even happy to meet up after normal working hours to discuss my plans.
We have made many significant positive changes to the way Winnens operates in the last few months and Dynamic have been at the forefront of helping me put together & implement these changes.

aaron headshot    

Aaron Newell
Director | Winnens Ltd

Winnens IPad Pro Render

Here’s what we did

Aaron, the owner of Winnens, approached Dynamic to help with outdated and tired looking website. Aaron wanted the website to showcase all the quality carpets and flooring etc. that they supply and fit.

Dynamics graphic designer worked with their existing branding to create a stylish yet functional design concept. This included the use of new photos and imagery to ensure the website was a true-to-life representation of the high quality Winnens provided.

We conducted in-depth keyword research to incorporate within the copywriting for the new website. The copy included thorough research and information provided on their suppliers.

Aaron has been incredibly happy with the outcome of the website and Dynamic continue to create adverts along with website and social media management.