Customer Testimonial

‘Just a quickie to say the new website looks fantastic, I am so so pleased, it is more brilliant than I envisaged it would look and a big THANKYOU to all of you who created it for me!! I love it!’

Kim Brunwin of Kim Brunwin Aesthetics      

Kim Brunwin 
Kim Brunwin Aesthetics

Kim Brunwin Aesthetics website pro render

Here’s what we did

Kim came to Dynamic as her old site had incorrect information and was very difficult to make any amendments to. 

This meant potential clients were being given incorrect/outdated information.

Kim wanted a fresh new look which included a logo redesign.  Dynamic re-designed and built a new website for Kim utilising calming colourways and easy navigation to book and view treatments.

Dynamic also updated Kim’s Google Business Profile and created brand new social media channels including all artwork.