Customer Testimonial

“Dynamic have been just fantastic from start to finish. The entire team really took the time to get to know me and my business, re-designing my branding to match the overall look and feel I wanted for our new website. Since building my website, Dynamic have been carrying out my website management and also been taking care of my digital marketing. As a busy business owner, I just don’t have time or the skillset to do this in order to promote my business, so having a team of experts on hand to look after our online presence is invaluable to me. Very pleased and would recommend Dynamic.”

martin gilder    

Martin Gilder 
Martins Meats


Here’s what we did

Martin, owner of Martins Meats, came to Dynamic with the desire to completely re-brand his high-end butchers. Martin needed the logo and branding to align with the quality of his produce. This new branding would then influence a complete re-design and build of his website, including a fully functioning online shop!

Martins Meats existing website was limited, with no e-commerce and out of date content. Dynamic created a selection of design concepts for Martin to choose from, and then set about designing a new look for the website.

The web developers at Dynamic successfully built an online shop, with an easy payment process, various check-out, and delivery options available to customers.To continue growing Martins Meats online presence, Dynamic have been handling the website management and digital marketing for Martin. This gives Martin more time to focus on what he does best – running his business!