Customer Testimonial

I came to Dynamic as my website was very out of date and not functioning properly.  They designed the new site, wrote all the wording and came to my premises to take photos and video footage, taking all the hassle away from me. The new website looks fantastic and very professional.  I also then spoke to Clive about marketing my business on social media and Google ads, this is all now dealt with by Dynamic and I don’t have to worry about any of it! I am already seeing an upturn in enquiries coming into the business. With friendly staff its like being part of one big family, 5 stars from me!

Ians portrait    

Ian Hornby 
Skin Matters

Skin Matters Bristol Website on iPad

Here’s what we did

Ian, Owner of Skin Matters Bristol, approached Dynamic with the goal of creating a new, more user-friendly website. His current site, whilst informative, was extremely information heavy, with long paragraphs that made it a challenge for customers to find what they needed.

Dynamic set about building a new website that kept the plethora of knowledge on the products but transform this into an easy to ready, visually pleasing site.

Ian also asked to have the Skin Matters products readily available to purchase online, as this would be a huge benefit to his business. The developers at Dynamic successfully built an online shop, setting up an easy payment process with various check-out options available to customers including PayPal, Credit/ Debit Card and even a pay later method, giving the customer the flexibility to spread the cost of their purchase.